April 24, 2024

Superfoods for Diabetics

I am writing my 3rd article on this website and will continue to keep all the content written in the most simple wording. My intention is to make it easier to read and understand for everyone.

While researching a variety of topics on superfoods and superfood supplements I have found there is a lot of information and articles on the subject out there. Ready as much as I can will allow me to share what I have found and provide my opinion as well. One of the subjects I ran across is foods that help prevent diabetes. In my case foods it’s foods that reduce or help reverse diabetes as I am one of the people inflicted with it. This is the 1st article I am writing on this subject and so I asked myself what should I write about. My previous blog was about Superfoods and Superfood Supplements so I though I should follow up with Superfoods for Diabetics. So here we go.

What are Superfoods?

Before we get into the who, what, when’s, and why’s of this article you need to have a basic knowledge of what a Superfood is. The simple way to find out is to read my previous blog on this siteBest Superfood Supplements”. It will give you a simple but brief description on the subject.

Do Superfoods Prevent Type 2 Diabetes?

Green smoothie with spirulina,spinach and blueberries

The simple answer is no there isn’t. Do not give up hope. The answer is not a because eating superfoods alone is not a guarantee you won’t get type 2 diabetes. A lot of other elements come into play. There is heredity. Diabetes my be passed along the family lines to you and therefore you may be more likely to contract it. Exercise is another part of the equation. Lack of exercise often contributes to increasing your chance to become diabetic. With exercise and diet you can keep your weight down. Your body naturally produces insulin which moves glucose (sugar) from your blood to your muscles. With exercise, you naturally burn off the excess sugar in your system.

This all being said, it is possibly a combination of these things that can cause a person to contract diabetes. You have not a control over you family history so this may come into play not a matter what. What you do have control over is the diet and exercise. I am not writing today about exercise so you will need to research what is best for you on that subject. I am here you discuss the Superfood portion of the equation.

Eating the right fruits and vegetables can certainly lower the risk of diabetes. Superfoods specifically selected for a high risk person can reduce the chances even more than a normal diet.

Can Superfoods Improve or Eliminate Diabetes?


Yes and no. Superfoods targeted for improving the condition can certainly improve blood sugar levels and also improve other conditions associated with diabetes such as heart disease, kidney problems, and others. It can also improve blood circulation, reduce weight, and improve overall health.

It can not eliminate type 2 diabetes. The plain and simple truth is there is not a known cure for type 1 or 2 diabetes. There are only means to control the disease and in some cases bring the diabetes into remission.

Once again there are certain foods that work with your body and your insulin or pills that can improve. Fruits and vegetables in general is not the best solution in making the best stab at reducing your blood sugar level. This is because many of the foods have sugar and carbohydrates that are not very soluble and therefore can contribute to the problem rather than helping it. This is where a variety of Superfoods targeted specifically at improving sugar levels is recommended. These specific foods may be but are not limited to the following:

  • apples
  • certain nuts
  • grapefruit
  • kale
  • broccoli
  • whole grains
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • tomatoes
  • omega 3 fatty fish
  • steel cut oats
  • cinnamon

These are very common food found in your local market, or specialty storeher in North America. In addition, there are some foods found in other parts of the world which people and some medical specialist swear by for improving blood sugar in people with diabetes. A few of these that you probably heard of are:

  • turmeric
  • ginseng
  • cloves
  • bitter melon
  • fenugreek
  • allium
  • ginger

Some foods from other counties have also been researched in North America so I recommend you check if there is any factual data on them before you start using them.

I Do not Have Time to Prepare Food. Is There a Supplement?

Good news! There are Superfood Supplements made for people on the go that don’t have or take the time to eat the real thing. As stated in my previous article there are organic supplements and synthetics that provide some or all the nutrients that are in the natural food itself. I am currently researching more about these fruit and vegetable supplements superfoods directed at improving type 2 diabetes. In the future I will write more about my findings once I’ve something to share with you.

There is Hope!

Diabetes is a huge problem worldwide and the number of new cases is on the rise. Every day new research is turning up leads which may help in finding a cure. In addition, there is much information available, along with discussions with your Doctor or medical specialist, on how to prevent or control diabetes. As I stated earlier diet is part of the equation that you have control of. You can start taking control immediately and begin eating the Superfood or Superfood Supplement that is right for you.

Tell me how I’m doing

I am new at writing articles on websites. I would really appreciate your feedback on this site. It will help me get better at this. If you have a few minutes please send me a short email and I will respond.

I would really appreciate it.





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