May 16, 2024

Best Natural Supplements for Weight Loss

One of the largest reasons people use supplements is for weight loss. This is mainly because they realize they are overweight or have gained a few pounds and want to do something about it. They search different literature and websites to try to find the best way to lose weight. They find exercise equipment, diet pills, specialty diets and so on hoping to find the best solution for them.

One of the more common things they look for is what is the Best Natural Supplement for Weight Loss.

Why Take a Natural Supplement?

Taking natural supplement to help with weight loss tend to work better with your body because the nutrients and vitamins in the supplement are what is in the actual food we should be eating daily to maintain a good balance and healthy lifestyle.

They digest better and work better with the food you eat. In addition, they work well with exercise if you are able to add that to your weight loss plan.

Generally organic ingredients are preferred by most Nutritionist.

What Supplements Help with Weight Loss the Most?

There are many supplements available that work well in helping weight loss. Some try green tea supplements others try everything and anything because they don’t really know what to take. I researched and found many opinions on what is the best supplement and found many have common ingredients that are considered good to help with weigh loss. Some ingredients curb you appetite or make you feel full so you won’t eat. Others increase your metabolism so you body burns off the excess material in you system to lose calories. The common ingredients I found in most products makes you feel like you have to be a chemist to know what they are talking about. I will try to help clear this up by adding some information on what food the ingredient is normally found in and what it does to benefit your weight loss goals. Here are some more common ones I found:

  • caffeine – commonly found in coffee or dark chocolate – increases the metabolism which cause fat to burn at a high rate- curbs your hunger – can cause nervousness and upset stomach and unable to sleep
  • Green tea extract – comes from the green tea plant – helps increase metabolism to burn fat and also high in antioxidants which slows cell aging – makes you feel full so you are not hungry – also reduces cholesterol and has less caffeine than coffee
  • omega-3 – found in many fish and some shell fish such as salmon and tuna – helps you feel full for a long time which helps you from over eating – also helps reduce cholesterol and blood pressure – allergic reactions but no other major side effects
  • ginger – natural plant used in many cooking dishes – helps the body digest and absorb nutrients from the food you eat – make you feel full longer
  • dandelion – yes the flower in your yard – you can eat these or make a tea with them – helps digestion and can work as a laxative

These are only a few of the many natural food supplements out there that according to many studies actually work for most people.

Are Natural Supplements Safe

Yes and no. There are many weight loss supplements out there. The problem is the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) don’t treat them as a drug like most medicines. They classify them as foods so there is less control of them. I strongly urge you to review the supplement carefully. Research the supplement with the FDA and also you can check with The National Institute of Health which has a database you can look up more information on the ingredients. Foremost, before taking any supplements of any kind either natural or synthetic, consult your Doctor!

Is Taking Supplements a Guarantee to Lose Weight?

For many people natural food supplements can help towards weight loss diet but may not be the complete solution to the problem. Doctors and Nutritionist still claim diet and exercise are still the most common way to lose and or control a persons weight. They can often assist you by providing a general program or one that is custom-made to fit you as an individual. Remember everyone is different. Some people can gain weight very easily while other can eat twice as much and not gain a pound. In addition, it is not always about how much you eat but what type of food you eat that causes weight gain.

My Take on Weight Control

When I was young I was very athletic. I played in sports and climbed trees like most young people. I never carried and extra pound. Of course as an adult I found that life gets away from us sometimes and then we don’t do the things that are as healthy as we like. Then we let ourselves go. We don’t eat healthy and we don’t exercise. This as it happens to many people happened to me.

My weight went out of control. I had the beer belly. Then came Type 2 diabetes My blood pressure was high. My cholesterol was high. I also wore pants 6 inches larger than I should. Two and a half years ago I had a heart attack. I had to have 4 stints place in my arteries because they were blocked. I began to wake up.

No more extra pants sizes (now 32 waist). Later I gave up drinking beer and other alcohol. I began getting more exercise and eating better. One thing that helped me improve was working hard in my gardening projects. Not only did I get exercise but grew some great healthy organic food. If you have the luxury of having a place to grow fruits and vegetables I think it is the best food you can have toward a healthy life style. If not then go for the supplements that can get you there.


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